Mosquito Lagoon Grand Slam August 16 2017

Mosquito Lagoon Grand Slam August 16 2017

Tarpon, Snook, Trout and a Redfish for Martin!  We began our day at the Bairs Cove Boat Ramp at Haulover Canal in Titusville Florida, just an hour east of Orlando and the Disney and Univeral theme parks.  Heading into the Mosquito Lagoon, and witnessing...
Mosquito Lagoon Redfish Fishing August 10th 2017

Mosquito Lagoon Redfish Fishing August 10th 2017

Brandon joined me on the skiff this morning  and we were greeted by an incredible space coast sunrise!  It didn’t take long to find a large school of tailing redfish! Brandon made the perfect presentation and boom, FISH ON!  We had fun with the...
Orlando Central Florida Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report January

Orlando Central Florida Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report January

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Happy New Year! Let us kick off the New Year with thanks and a desire to catch more fish with friends and family. We are so fortunate to have the opportunity and ability to go fishing. Let’s not forget that in 2017! With that being...
Orlando Central Florida Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report December

Orlando Central Florida Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report December

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] December is here and cooler temps have begun to make an appearance. Love this time of the year for it’s beautiful blue bird skies, comfortable temperatures, and great fishing! Here’s what you need to know to get on the bite!...